Coronavirus Update - March 20, 2020

Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) Update

In response to the spread of 2019 Novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), Stony Brook Eastern Long Island  Hospital clinical specialists are well prepared for and actively treating COVID-19 patients, following CDC and New York State Department of Health guidelines including recommended isolation and infection control procedures. Below is a summary of related updates.

  • Stony Brook Eastern Long Island Hospital’s top priority is keeping patients, staff, visitors and the community safe. 
  • Our medical staff is highly trained at screening for and managing infectious diseases to limit the spread of a virus. 
  • There is currently enough personal protective equipment to meet the needs of every staff member coming into contact with a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patient.
  • All patients with known respiratory issues are immediately provided a surgical face mask upon initial encounter and escorted into a room promptly. The mask provides cover over the nose and mouth to contain infectious droplets and the patient is physically separated from others.
  • Our supply chain professionals are working diligently to secure additional supplies and substitutable items.
  • Our infection prevention specialists and nursing leaders are providing necessary training and updates.
  • Supplies of individual items of personal protective equipment can be expected to become strained as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve.
  • In anticipation of strained resources, the Stony Brook Eastern Long Island Hospital leadership team is reviewing and will implement evidence-based alternative practices to ensure that our front line clinical staff is appropriately protected.