As we continue to learn more about the Coronavirus, infection prevention and control recommendations will continue to evolve. Even though the number of cases in our region has decreased and we are returning to some pre-pandemic activities, we need to remain vigilant to protect ourselves and each other.
In accordance with recently updated guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Joint Commission, the use of eye protection (i.e., goggles, disposable face shield or combined face shield) has now been added to the required personal protective equipment (PPE) for all (inpatient and outpatient) health care workers while in the presence of patients (within or expected to be within a 6 foot distance).
The reason for this modification is because health care workers working in facilities located in areas with moderate to substantial community transmission are more likely to encounter asymptomatic patients with COVID-19. Wearing eye protection in addition to facemasks ensures the eyes, nose, and mouth are all protected from sneezes, coughs, splashes and sprays of potentially infectious material from others.