Watch Now: Glaucoma and Cataracts: What You Need to Know

With Scott B. Sheren, MD
Board Certified, Ophthalmology
Chair, Department of Ophthalmology, East End Eye, A Division of ProHEALTH

Did you miss Dr. Sheren's presentation on Glaucoma and Cataracts yesterday? Watch it at your leisure on our YouTube channel!

January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month. Glaucoma’s one of the leading causes of vision loss and blindness. It’s actually a group of diseases where pressure (usually) builds up and damages the eye’s optic nerve. Don't be blindsided by glaucoma; join Dr. Sheren for this virtual program all about cataracts, glaucoma, and other aspects of eye health that you should know.

Click Here to Watch Now

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201 Manor Place, Greenport, NY 11944